The first large diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa in the 1870s. Since then, these gemstones have flooded the jewelry market, but to this day they remain the most valuable and sought after.

In 1948, De Beers launched an advertising campaign with the slogan “Diamonds Are Forever”. And today this statement is as relevant as it was hundreds of years ago when diamonds had just begun to be mined in large quantities. Why are diamonds so popular and what is the true long-term value of natural gemstones?

Why diamonds are popular

In fact, there are a number of reasons why diamonds are so popular. One of them is this timeless beauty. They have always been beautiful and remain so. Even the oldest written historical artifacts describe the appeal of diamonds. The ancient Greeks considered them to be the tears of the gods, the ancient Romans called them parts of fallen stars. One look at a truly beautiful diamond is enough to understand why many people consider these stones to be simply gorgeous.

However, their beauty is only one part of the equation for this stone’s popularity. They have become a symbol of passion, and many believe that diamond engagement rings are the only way to symbolize love and devotion to one another. This jewelry creates an agreement that is as ageless as diamonds.

This opinion is also widespread among celebrities. Stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian have shown their gorgeous engagement rings on Instagram for years. When Prince Harry proposed to Meghan, he gave her a diamond ring. Diamonds have long been a symbol of eternal love, and this tradition will not die.

Diamonds also retain their value better than other stones. Natural diamonds are also a great way to preserve and accumulate money. This feature really sets natural gemstones apart from lab grow ones. Diamonds created in laboratories are cheaper every day, while natural diamonds are constantly growing in price. This makes diamonds a reliable choice when looking for a suitable investment.

How natural diamonds are formed

Much of the beauty and value of diamonds is associated with the formation of such stones. In fact, diamonds are a special structure of carbon atoms. It takes tremendous physical effort and high temperature to transform this substance into a luxurious diamond. Such conditions are created deep underground, and therefore most natural diamonds are mined from ultra-deep kimberlite pipes. Only rarely do they come to the surface.

Such a complex nature creates another factor, the number of diamonds is limited. The earth cannot reproduce them non-stop, since it takes millions and billions of years to form. Therefore, the number of diamonds remaining in the earth is constantly decreasing, and each of the mined diamonds is infinitely valuable.

Long-term value of diamonds

The value of diamonds will be maintained and even increased in the long term. They not only become the basis for incredibly beautiful jewelry but also turn into an excellent investment. Moreover, regardless of whether you are buying a diamond as part of a piece of jewelry or just a gem.

Diamonds are also a practical investment. They take up very little space, retain their value, and are truly enjoyable. Diamond jewelry can complement absolutely any look.

Natural diamonds are always the right choice, and this situation will not change in the foreseeable future. Contact us to learn more about diamonds, diamond mining, and jewelry with these gemstones.